About the Business
Described as a colourist-expressionist, Jane is a spontaneous artist who works intuitively. The main body of her work is informed and inspired by form and colour, either in architecture or the landscape. Much of Jane's work is produced for charity.
The intangible inspires me to paint, in much the same way that hearing a piece of music or a particular voice inspires me to sing.
DON'T MISS my exhibition in The Friends' Gallery (Long Gallery) at the RWA in Bristol - on until Thursday next week (15th Aug). In aid of the RWA, 50% of any sales will also be shared equally between the charities which I support: World Land Trust, Sea Shepherd, The Shark Trust, Sea Mammal Research Centre, Weston Hospicecare, Grampian Hospitals Arts Trust, Edinburgh Sick Kids, The Brooke Pakistan, & The Mayhew.
Location & Hours

80 Regent Street